The Domestic Violence Housing First approach can be adapted by any organization. The model is inherently flexible, giving programs the ability to implement the approach to meet the unique needs of their community.
All Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) organizations share the common pillars: survivor-driven, trauma informed mobile advocacy, community engagement, and flexible financial assistance, however practices can vary depending on geographic area, community make up, organization size and structure, and resources.
Funders and community partners have invested in the Domestic Violence Housing First approach, either directly to their local community program or through WSCADV where training, technical assistance, and coaching is available. Coldwell Banker Bain is one such community partner. Their investment has enabled four agencies in western Washington to provide flexible financial assistance and mobile advocacy to help survivors access and retain housing stability and safety. The work of two of these agencies is reflected in this summary of funding and impact. We are so grateful to the realtors of Coldwell Banker Bain, and encourage other businesses to consider similar investments. To learn more about investing in Domestic Violence Housing First and how to partner with WSCADV, please contact us!
Below are some examples of programs in Washington State who have implemented the approach. DVHF has also been implemented nationally, with California as a model. The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) in the United Kingdom has drawn from DVHF in the development of their Whole Housing Approach. Please see their toolkit for additional information.
Example 1:

InterIm CDA was part of the DVHF pilot project, successfully adapting the model to meet the unique needs of immigrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence.
Read: Safe and Stable Housing for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors
Example 2:

LifeWire was part of the DVHF pilot project and braids their multiple funding sources to support the complex needs of survivors experiencing housing instability.