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Crossing Borders Radio Novela

Una Radio Novela con la finalidad de hacer llegar a los hombres inmigrantes campesinos un mensaje de como poder participar y ayudar de manera más activa cuando sean testigos de abuso o acoso sexual en sus campos de trabajo.

Flexible Financial Assistance

Flexible financial assistance refers to unrestricted funds used to support survivors to become stably housed. Some examples of flexible financial assistance include: The below video explains this pillar of the…

Survivor-Driven, Trauma-Informed, Mobile Advocacy

Survivor-driven, trauma-informed advocacy means working in partnership with survivors. Advocacy is focused on safety and supporting survivors to rebuild control over their lives. Survivors lead the process, choose their own…

The Gift of Peace

During the holiday season, Jacksons Food Stores mobilize their customers to “Give the Gift of Peace.” Washington State donations help us here at WSCADV in our work to prevent domestic…

Thanks to Jacksons Food Stores

In the 12th anniversary year of the “Give the Gift of Peace” campaign, Jacksons Food Stores and its customers donated a total of $20,994 ($10,497 from customer donations and a…

Shelter Support

We provide support and peer learning opportunities for people running a domestic violence shelter.