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The Gift of Peace

The “Give the Gift of Peace” campaign launched this weekend throughout western Washington. Last year’s campaign raised over $20,000 in donations, but even more important is that the campaign is…

WSCADV in the News

WSCADV has been in the news quite a bit in recent weeks. Check out what we had to say!

Thank you, Líderes Campesinas

Crossing Borders advocates had the unique opportunity to share stories and learn from Líderes Campesinas. Líderes Campesinas has been working on elevating immigrant farmworker women issues, as well as building…

Stalking And Domestic Violence

The Stalking Resource Center compiles national research on the prevalence of stalking, the impact of stalking on victims, and state, tribal, and federal laws on stalking. Stalking statistics: 6.6 million…

Check Out Our Conference Workshops

We’ve got 35 engaging workshops lined up for you. Everything from Deconstructing Machismo to Supervision Made Simple. Check them out! And come join us at WSCADV’s Annual Conference, September 26th – 28th in Lynnwood, WA.…

Join our Board

We want you! The WSCADV Board of Directors is looking for folks from member programs as well as community and individual members to serve on the board. In keeping with…