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Cross Cultural Supervision

Explore the current reality of supervision and productivity in a global pandemic and orient towards creating cross-cultural spaces where work gets done and people feel whole. This is your opportunity…

New Directors Orientation

If you are a brand-new, kind of new, or still-feeling-new E.D. or program director, you are invited to the WSCADV New Directors Orientation. This is your opportunity to connect with…

Navigating These Overwhelming Times

As staff and supervisors of domestic violence programs, we all have experience working with trauma. However, COVID-19 has introduced a new type of global trauma that not only impacts the…

New Directors Orientation

Calling all new (and new-ish) directors! If you are a brand-new, kind of new, or still-feeling-new E.D. or program director, you are invited to the WSCADV New Directors Orientation. This…

What Does Re-Opening Mean for Us?

This meeting is intended for DV directors and shelter managers (or others who make major organizational decisions). WSCADV will share guidance for DV programs as the Governor dials down (and…

Shelter Managers

As Shelter Managers, we have an endless supply of challenges and problems to solve, and somehow, we manage to make our work look flawless. We understand the Coronavirus has moved…