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Good Jobs = Great Advocacy

You are leaders in your organizations and your communities. You are advocates, tirelessly working for justice and peace. If you alone could wave a magic wand and create the policies […]

Refuse To Abuse®

[…] Domestic Violence to prevent violence. Each year popular Mariners players and Managers serve as spokespeople for an annual print, video, and radio campaign. Special thanks to Craters of the Moon […]

Advanced Advocacy: A Deeper Dive

[…] date to request language interpretation for this webinar is 5/21/2020. We are not able to guarantee interpreters for any registrations that come in after that date. *** We prioritize registration […]

Crossing Borders Radio Novela

[…] llegar a los hombres inmigrantes campesinos un mensaje de como poder participar y ayudar de manera más activa cuando sean testigos de abuso o acoso sexual en sus campos de trabajo.

2019 Legislative Session Summary

[…] in 2019. Because 2020 is the second session of the 2019-2020 biennium, bills that did not pass in 2019 will be automatically reintroduced in the 2020 session.  “SB” denotes bills originally […]

Leadership Development

[…] is currently scheduled or visit our upcoming events page for additional training opportunities. Access our online training courses at any time!  Introduction to Nonprofit Finance How to Hire Great Advocates […]