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Take Action for Access to Protection Orders

Home is not a safe place for everyone. COVID-19 “stay home” orders have isolated people experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault, resulting in many having fewer options for safety and…

Our Refuse To Abuse® 5K is Going Virtual!

For the health and safety of all involved, we are shifting this year’s Refuse To Abuse® 5K to something we can do while social distancing. What’s a virtual 5K? Participants…

2020 Legislative Wins!

The 2020 Washington legislative session is over! The Legislature adjourned yesterday, bringing a close to this year’s session. Despite working under very tight time constraints and a mounting public health…

Sexual Harassment and the Fair Housing Act

Sexual harassment in housing is illegal. The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has launched an initiative to address sexual harassment in housing by landlords, property managers, maintenance workers, and…

Harvey Weinstein Verdict and Public Charge Rule

Monday was a day we won’t forget. February 24 was a milestone for #MeToo survivors, with a major verdict in the Harvey Weinstein case. We honor the survivors who came…

Black History Month

We’ve been so inspired by the many powerful stories being highlighted for Black History Month. Join us in showing gratitude for the incredible work Black Women have poured into the…

Take Action for Affordable Housing!

No one should have to choose between staying with an abusive partner or becoming homeless. Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women and children. We have the…