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Refuse To Abuse® 5k sold out!

We are thrilled to announce that our 7th annual Refuse To Abuse® 5k at Safeco Field has sold out! Thank you to everyone who has signed up to join us…

Join WSCADV’s Board of Directors!

We want you! The WSCADV Board of Directors is looking for folks from member programs as well as community and individual members to run for election to the board. This year,…

Safety and Justice for All

At the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV), we are working every day to create a world where all people can live and love freely without fear. The current…

Impact of the Refuse To Abuse®5k

“Running Saved My Life” Annual Refuse To Abuse® 5k helped domestic violence survivor heal a lifetime of trauma. This article originally appeared in the Mariners Magazine. Reprinted by permission of…

Domestic Violence Fatalities

Every single life lost to domestic violence is one too many. In WA state last year there were 55 domestic violence-related fatalities (35 homicides and 20 abuser suicides). This table…

Seattle Storm Honors Nan Stoops

The Seattle Storm has selected WSCADV’s Nan Stoops as one of their 2018 Inspiring Women honorees. “I am very honored to join the Seattle Storm in celebrating the strength, resilience, courageous…

2018 Legislative Victories

  What a year! The historic 2018 Washington State legislative session is over and we are celebrating multiple monumental victories that will have an immeasurable positive impact for some of…