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2020 Domestic Violence Advocacy Day

Calling all advocates who care about how public policy impacts survivors of abuse! Join us in making our voices heard in Olympia during the 2020 state legislative session. We’re doing…

Domestic Violence ACTION Month is Here!

October is Domestic Violence ACTION Month and we’ve got all the tools you’ll need to engage your community. Check them out here and please tag us in your social media…

Welcome Our New Executive Director

Message from the Board of Directors I am thrilled to share with you the news that the Board of Directors has hired Judy Chen as WSCADV’s new Executive Director. She…

Join WSCADV’s Board of Directors!

We want you! The WSCADV Board of Directors is looking for folks from member programs as well as from the greater community to run for election to our board. This…

New Resource: Research Across the Walls

Research Across the Walls is a new resource available from Survived and Punished, a national coalition working to support incarcerated survivors. Survived and Punished advocates for an end to policies…

Executive Director Search

We are excited to announce that we are launching a search for a new Executive Director for the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV). Last year, Nan Stoops transitioned…