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Owning Your Story and Claiming Your Power: Talking about Domestic Violence and Child Protective Services

Brightly colored illustration of a diverse group of people of different skin tones, ages, hairstyles, and dress. Everyone is smiling and they are standing with their arms around each other.

This guide came about through conversation between Ashley Albert, a survivor and activist, and Margaret Hobart, a longtime advocate for domestic violence (DV) survivors, and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

We know that the child welfare system often fails DV survivors. And we know that important discussions about child welfare policies are taking place. Every healing or justice effort around family policing needs the voices of DV survivors. We are inspired by the survivors who have spoken over decades about abuse they have experienced, and their visions for their children and themselves, and their communities.

For survivors who want to share their stories, and the advocates supporting them, this guide provides inspiration and some things to think about before, during and after talking about experiences publicly.

“I know owning our stories can ignite healing, hope, and change.”

Illustration of a woman kneeling on the ground to hug a young girl. The woman is wearing a yellow dress with a pink design on it and the girl is wearing a red dress with yellow flowers on the sleeve. They both have black hair and medium-deep skin tones.

To read and download the full illustrated guide, click below. Continue scrolling for additional resources.

Companion resources

Impacts of the child welfare system

Healing from trauma

Storytelling for social change

Children and youth impacted by domestic violence

Guide Illustrations by Mousy DeVilla