What is a domestic violence fatality? The Washington State Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR) tracks intimate partner violence-related fatalities in Washington State. The DVFR defines a domestic violence fatality as…
A webinar on how abuse can affect a survivor’s ability to work, and the protections available in Washington State.
In this training course, you’ll learn about how to gather meaningful feedback from survivors about the services your program provides.
This training course covers the essential components of legal advocacy including how to navigate the criminal and civil legal systems.
This training course provides information about the different types of protective orders available in Washington State, as well as advocacy tips for working with survivors considering one of these orders.
This manual covers the core components of legal advocacy and the criminal and civil legal issues that impact survivors of abuse.
This report summarizes the bills impacting survivors of abuse during the 2021 Washington State legislative session.
What advocates need to know to help survivors pursue (or not) child support safely.
Domestic violence survivors can apply for health insurance through their state’s health exchange at any time, even outside the open enrollment period.
This FAQ will answer your questions about flexible financial assistance and explain how it is implemented as part of the Domestic Violence Housing First approach.