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Charleena Lyles

“She had her teeth knocked out, had numerous black eyes. She has permanent scars from being abused, and she begged and begged for help, […] [t]hen she finally got the…

Domestic Violence Counts: Census 2016 Report

On September 14, 2016, 66 out of 70 (94%) identified domestic violence programs in Washington participated in the National Census of Domestic Violence Services, a one-day unduplicated count of adults…

Information on Recent Immigration Enforcement Actions

WSCADV joins the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (NTF) to oppose the recent arrest and detention of the immigrant transgender domestic violence survivor who was seeking a protection order from her abusive partner in El Paso, Texas.

Why WSCADV supports #WhyIMarch

The Women’s March on Washington “aims to send a message to all levels of government, including but not limited to the incoming Presidential administration, that we stand together in solidarity and we…