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Deadline extended: hiring for 2 positions!

WSCADV has extended the application deadline to June 11, 2019 for 2 full-time positions for our Seattle office: Program Coordinator on domestic violence legal advocacy and survivor advocacy training Operations…

Your Rights at Work

New resource! This easy to share poster outlines the workplace protections we have in Washington State for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. It is illegal for an…

Family or Food? No One Should Have to Choose

Take Action by December 10th! To end abuse and create thriving communities, families must feel safe seeking help to access food, health care, and housing. The proposed federal “Public Charge” rule…

WSCADV’s response to Mariners’ workplace complaints

This morning, the Seattle Times published “Three Mariners execs faced workplace complaints; three women received settlements.” Sexual harassment and the objectification of women is unacceptable. The #MeToo movement has raised…