February is the month for love, Black history, and teen dating violence awareness. What if we brought all those elements together to take action for teens and Black lives? What if we really listened to young people and followed their lead?
We envision a world where all people can live and love freely without fear. As the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence said in October for Domestic Violence Action Month, “Now is the time to boldly pivot our work to dismantle white supremacy, to center the needs and experiences of Black survivors…and to engage in ‘conversations around what actually keeps us safe, what actually allows survivors and communities to heal and thrive, and what will actually end violence.’” Addressing teens and their needs must be part of that engagement. February is Teen Dating Violence ACTION Month (TDVAM) AND Black History Month. Let’s honor the legacies of Black women, support the leadership of Black-led organizations dedicated to ending violence and creating justice, and build a more loving and equitable world.
Each week of February, we’ll highlight youth activists who are showing the kind of fierce love for communities that it takes to end teen dating violence and oppression. And remember, you can always take action for healthy relationships by supporting friends and family, aspiring to love like this, and asking how’s your relationship?
Let’s follow their lead! #TDVAM #BlackHistoryMonth #TeenDVMonth

Teens thrive when… For the first week of February let’s lift up the incredible poetry and activism of Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and get to know her work and voice!

Show all kinds of love. Leading up to Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate romantic & all kinds of love. Celebrate Black love with this playlist & send your friend or boo one of our valentines. Lift up the fierce love of these young activists with a follow & donation. And read about local youth engaging in the Black Lives Matter movement and west-coast climate justice activism.

Know your worth. In week three let’s lift up the activists at loveisrespect.org. Their theme for TDVAM 2021 is Know Your Worth, focusing on healthy relationships and self empowerment! And also check out Youth Speaks Seattle – they create avenues for youth voices through creative expression and promote healing, empowerment, and community.

Love our history. For the last week of February, let’s remember our history and celebrate our past and present. Find out more about Dr. Mae Jemison and be inspired by this poster! Look to Mutual Aid Books for inspiration on how to read with purpose and follow them on Instagram to see their youth activism take shape!