This questionnaire assesses what partnerships are in place and what partnerships need to be developed to effectively implement Domestic Violence Housing First. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Domestic Violence Housing First Program Assessment Tool.
After you’ve looked at your agency and program culture and capacity, you need to look at your community. Consider the following questions:
- What is the size of your community?
- Are there many service providers, just a few, or are you the “only game in town?”
- If you’re the “only game in town,” do you have relationships with bordering counties that can support survivors?
- Does your community have a Coordinated Community Response? How effective is it?
- Does your organization participate in any of the homeless planning efforts (10 year plan to end homelessness, CDBG Consolidated Plan, McKinney Continuum of Care)?
- Do you have your own transitional housing facility? Do you operate a “transitions in place” scattered site housing program?
- Do you operate your own permanent housing facility?
- Does your community have a public housing authority?
- If so, what is your relationship with them?
- Have you ever had set-aside vouchers for domestic violence survivors?
- What about Family Unification Program vouchers through CWS?
- Or do you have a good relationship with your Tribal Council or Tribal Housing Authority?
- Do you work with private landlords?
- If so, what do your agreements look like? Are they formal or informal?
- What does your community’s affordable housing stock look like?
- Are there low-income housing developers in your community? Have you partnered with them for set-aside units?
- Is there permanent supportive housing available in your community? Are there any units that might be set aside for domestic violence survivors with disabilities?
- Do you provide services at any housing locations other than your own?
- Do you provide domestic violence training for your local housing/homeless organizations?
- What relationships do you have with other systems that are vital to survivor safety and stability (Child Welfare, Police, Courts, Work Source, Civil/Legal Attorneys, etc.)?