We advocate for positive changes that improve Washington State’s response to domestic violence and increase survivors’ options for safety and independence. We do this through tracking bills, lobbying in Olympia, and informing and mobilizing our membership to take action on important policy and budget issues.
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The 2025 Legislative Session began on January 13, 2025. Check out the WSCADV Report on the 2024 State Legislative Session to learn more about some of the proposals passed last session that will have an impact on survivors in our state.
2025 Legislative Session
Securing stable funding for crime victim services is our number one priority this year. The need for reliable and sustained funding has never been more urgent. In recent years, victim service providers across Washington have faced growing challenges due to a significant decline in federal funding, leaving many programs at risk of closing or drastically reducing services. Without a consistent funding stream, survivors of domestic violence face overwhelming barriers to accessing the support they need.
This funding is more than just a financial request—it’s about ensuring survivors can access life-saving services such as emergency housing, legal advocacy, counseling, and support for children who have experienced trauma. It’s about sustaining a reliable safety net for individuals and families who need help the most. WSCADV supports HB 1487 and SB 5362, companion bills that that seek to provide vital, ongoing, stable funding for survivor services across Washington state. The bills request that the state fund the OCVA crime victim’s program at $50 million in the upcoming biennium (two-year) budget and increasing this investment over the next few years until the program is funded at $70 million ongoing.
Check out our one-pager with more information and key points about the budget crisis and this proposed legislation.
Please note that we often track over 100 bills during session. If you have questions about our priority agenda, please email sherrie@wscadv.org.
Previous Legislative Sessions
To view summaries of previous sessions of the Washington State Legislature, please see the “Public Policy” section of our Resource Library.
Wondering how laws are made in Washington State? Watch our short video, Ms. RCW.