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Photo of approximately 100 people outside in front of a lake in Olympia, WA holding scarves that say, "We Are WSCADV."

Advocacy Day

Each year, WSCADV hosts Domestic Violence Advocacy Day at the State Capitol, where advocates and survivors come together to engage with lawmakers on issues that truly matter! This is an amazing opportunity to unite our voices and shine a spotlight on the policy and budget priorities that directly impact survivors and their families.

Domestic Violence Advocacy Days 2025

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the State Capitol on February 10-11th! This was a crucial moment as we made a BIG budget ask to our legislators, and your voices made a real impact. Whether you were a seasoned advocate or speaking to legislators for the first time, your presence and stories were invaluable in our fight for change. We’re so grateful for your dedication and passion—together, we made our voices heard! Check back in the fall for information about next year’s event—we can’t wait to see you there!

Federal Advocacy Days

We participate annually in the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Advocacy Days. These take place each Spring in Washington, D.C., and are an opportunity for us to join other state coalitions across the country to advance a collective policy agenda for survivors of abuse. See our Federal Policy Advocacy page for our priorities from the 118th Congress.