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Domestic Violence Counts: Census 2016 Report

On September 14, 2016, 66 out of 70 (94%) identified domestic violence programs in Washing ton participated in the National Census of Domestic Violence Services, a one-day unduplicated count of […]

Thanks to Jacksons Food Stores

[…] the “Give the Gift of Peace” campaign, Jacksons Food Stores and its customers donated a total of $20,994 ($10,497 from customer donations and a dollar for dollar match by Jacksons) […]

Internet Safety

Abusers often use technology to stalk or monitor their partners. Here are some tips for using technology safely.

2020 Legislative Wins!

[…] this session with four top priority bills. We are thrilled to report that the Legislature passed three of these bills – as well as many others that we supported. And […]