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Survey Says!?…

Did you know that WSCADV administered a Wages & Benefits Survey in 2011? I know, I know. Many of you have already seen it. But I often hear from folks…

Negotiation: A Magical Solution?

This month’s Good Jobs blog post is by Megan Dorwin, an MSW student at the University of Washington and an intern at WSCADV. I recently attended an event for social…

Self Care

Self-care. It’s a term that has been tossed around a lot in the 13 years I’ve been working in the DV movement, and I’m sure for the decades previous as…

Our Business

So, this post has been making it’s way around my Facebook circle, so I read it. It’s an open letter by an executive director of a small non profit to…

Intimate Partner Violence Fast Facts

From the CNN website is a roundup of background information and stats on domestic violence: Domestic (Intimate Partner) Violence Fast Facts

Which Mass Shootings Are Counted?

The way you define a “mass shooting” makes a big difference in the number. Some counts exclude all domestic violence homicides from their definitions. This article from Huffington Post is…

Tending to the Nest Egg

Ahhhh, retirement. Visions of schedule-free days, travel with loved ones, working through your bucket list that you’ve carefully crafted over the years. Wouldn’t that be nice? Unfortunately, it’s a word…