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National Recognition for Building Dignity

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum has announced that Building Dignity: Design Strategies for Domestic Violence Shelter will be featured in their exhibition of socially responsible design “By the People: Designing…

Best wishes, Grace!

Grace Huang is leaving WSCADV to continue fighting for survivors at the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence.

WSCADV is Hiring!

WSCADV is now looking for a dynamic Fund Development Manager to lead our fundraising efforts. This is a brand new position for the organization and we are excited about our…

Welcome to Ben and Tamaso!

We’re thrilled to introduce you to: Tamaso Johnson, our new Public Policy Coordinator. No stranger to domestic violence policy work, Tamaso comes to us from the DC Coalition Against Domestic…

Thanks to Jacksons Food Stores

In the 12th anniversary year of the “Give the Gift of Peace” campaign, Jacksons Food Stores and its customers donated a total of $20,994 ($10,497 from customer donations and a…

The 2016 Legislative Session is Underway!

The 2016 Legislative Session began today in Washington. This year’s session is a short one, only 60 days, and WSCADV will be monitoring budget discussions and items that affect domestic violence…