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Thank you to Jacksons Food Stores!

Jacksons Food Stores’ “Give the Gift of Peace” campaign is in its 14th year and we are privileged to be one of the beneficiaries. Jacksons Food Stores and its customers…

We Choose All of Us

We believe that our efforts to end domestic violence must be grounded in a strong resolve for building laws and communities that welcome and respect immigrants, center the lived experiences…

Women’s March anniversary events

Next weekend marks the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March, the largest coordinated protest in U.S. history. WSCADV joins this movement because working to end domestic and sexual violence requires organizing…

Our Seattle office has moved

Our Seattle office has moved! Please update your records with our new mailing address: 1511 Third Ave., Suite 433, Seattle, WA 98101

WSCADV in the News

Research over a two year period by WSCADV’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review found that more than half of abusers responsible for domestic violence related fatal shootings in our state were…