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Domestic Violence Action Month 2023

Welcome to Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM) 2023! Just weeks ago we gathered in Kennewick at WSCADV’s annual membership conference. It was powerful to connect in person and be together with others who share a passion for…

WA Shield Law is a Safeguard for Survivors and Advocates

“Domestic violence is about power and control, and many abusers choose to weaponize a partner’s bodily autonomy and reproductive choices as tools of violence. Reproductive coercion, a form of interpersonal violence,…

Pride 2023: Toward Safe and Joyful Futures for All of Us

June is the season for celebrating pride, queer love, and being our true selves. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Two-Spirit folks have always been leaders in the movements against violence and towards…

$50.8 Million for Crime Victims Services!

The 2023 Washington state legislative session came to an end last month and the legislature and Governor allocated an additional $50.8 million for domestic violence and other crime victim services to…