Member programs

Who qualifies to be a member program?
Private, non-profit organizations and tribal agencies that focus on providing services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
- Private non-profit organizations and tribal agencies that have a program component that focuses on providing services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
- Programs that receive public money and that provide shelter and/or community-based advocacy for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
- Payment of annual dues (January – December)
- Agree with and adhere to the WSCADV Principles of Unity
- Participate in the selection of the Board of Directors
- Participate in decision making at WSCADV annual meeting
Price structure
Member program dues are determined based on the size of the organization’s domestic violence program budget.
- $1 – $250,000 budget | $500 dues
- $250,001 – $500,000 budget | $800 dues
- $500,001 – $750,000 budget | $1,100 dues
- $750,001 – $1,000,000 budget | $1,500 dues
- $1,000,001 – $1,500,000 budget | $2,000 dues
- $1,500,001 – 2,000,000 budget | $2,500 dues
- $2,000,001+ budget | $3,000 dues
Tribal programs and other government-operated domestic violence programs: please contact us so we can assist you.
Who qualifies to be an organizational associate?
Organizational & individual associates shall consist of organizations or individuals who wish to support WSCADV.
- Payment of annual dues (January – December)
- Agree with and adhere to the WSCADV Principles of Unity
Price structure
- Individual – $100
- Organizations – $250