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Advocacy for Rookies: Winter 2021 (Session 2 of 4)

Advocacy for Rookies is an in-depth, interactive training for domestic violence advocates, with facilitators Heather Wehr and Jake Fawcett. The training will take place over four sessions, plus a follow up. Session 1: Tuesday, 1/26/21, 9am-12pm Session 2: Thursday, 1/28/21, 9am-12pm Session 3: Tuesday, 2/2/21, 9am-12pm Session 4: Thursday, 2/4/21, 9am-12pm Follow Up Session: Wednesday, 3/3/21, 10am-12pm Whether you volunteer…

Advocacy for Rookies: Winter 2021 (Session 1 of 4)

Advocacy for Rookies is an in-depth, interactive training for domestic violence advocates, with facilitators Heather Wehr and Jake Fawcett. The training will take place over four sessions, plus a follow up. Session 1: Tuesday, 1/26/21, 9am-12pm Session 2: Thursday, 1/28/21, 9am-12pm Session 3: Tuesday, 2/2/21, 9am-12pm Session 4: Thursday, 2/4/21, 9am-12pm Follow Up Session: Wednesday, 3/3/21, 10am-12pm Whether you volunteer…

Prevention in These Times: Community Connections


Prevention In These Times (PITT) is a new webinar series that will help us get to the heart of prevention. Just as the pit is the heart of the peach, PITT is going deep to the root of prevention with these 4 webinars. Join us for lunch on these four dates and we’ll cover each…

2021 Legislative Session Kick-off Webinar

This year has brought a pandemic, economic upheaval, and a racial reckoning. We are listening to domestic violence survivors and the organizations who serve them in preparation for the 2021 Washington State legislative session. Join us on this webinar to meet our policy team, learn about our state legislature, hear WSCADV’s policy priorities, and find…

Our Creativity Is Sacred (Part 2)

This is the second session of our two part Our Creativity Is Sacred sessions. Click the button below to see Part 1 for details and registration information. Part 1: 12/10/20, 1 PM - 2:30 PM Part 2: 12/17/20, 1 PM - 2:30 PM You only need to register once for access to both sessions.

Our Creativity Is Sacred (Part 1)

We hear a lot about transformative and restorative justice in response to calls to disentangle ourselves from the legal system. Let's figure out together what that means for our programs in diverse parts of WA state. We want to bring more options for survivors and their families by investing in community solutions, but how do…

Does Domestic Violence Housing First differ during a pandemic?


Let’s discuss how the Domestic Violence Housing First may look different now, compared to pre-pandemic times! This webinar meeting is for all staff working with clients and providing services through the pandemic, or who want to learn more about DVHF! The Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) approach continues to focus on getting survivors of domestic…

Team Up for Storytelling

All of us have a role to play in creating communities where people can thrive. Coaches and student leaders have a unique opportunity to create and foster resiliency and transformation. Coaches and mentors who have implemented Athletes as Leaders and Coaching Boys into Men will talk about getting the programs going and about the impact…

Prevention Retreat – At Home Edition


As awesome, rad, and visionary preventionists, you know that connection is so important, not just now, but always. So wherever you are, we’re coming to you to retreat, regroup, and rise up to affirm that domestic and sexual violence are 100% preventable and that we continue to be 100% committed to a better world. On…

Within Our Reach: Meeting The Challenges of Anti-Oppression Practice In Our Work – And Beyond

Join us for Within Our Reach: Meeting The Challenges of Anti-Oppression Practice In Our Work – And Beyond, a webinar presented by Michelle Osbourne. This webinar is designed to deepen the work that you are already doingacknowledge the existence of racism and oppression in Americashift the paradigm of oppressionprovide skills necessary to support communities of…

MoneyTalk: Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors


Our next MoneyTalk takes place on November 30 from 10:00am to 12:00pm. This quarter we will be talking about the continued economic impact of COVID-19 on survivors of abuse and how domestic violence programs can respond to the pandemic in ways that support economic resilience for communities and individual survivors. Register now!

Legal Advocate Gathering with Leigh Goodmark


Join advocates from around the state for a Legal Advocate Gathering with Leigh Goodmark! We will be discussing legal responses to domestic violence (both civil and criminal) and thinking through the impacts on survivors. Leigh Goodmark will share her observations from years of working with survivors and we will engage in a dynamic discussion to…

Prevention in These Times: Family First


Prevention In These Times (PITT) is a new webinar series that will help us get to the heart of prevention. Just as the pit is the heart of the peach, PITT is going deep to the root of prevention with these 4 webinars. Join us for lunch on these four dates and we’ll cover each…

Cross Cultural Supervision


Explore the current reality of supervision and productivity in a global pandemic and orient towards creating cross-cultural spaces where work gets done and people feel whole. This is your opportunity to connect ask questions and have a shared understanding of key definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Part 1: 11/16/20 and 11/17/20, 10:00 am –…

Child Support 101


Join us for a webinar on Child Support. Child support can be a great benefit for survivors, but being involved in this system also comes with some risk. Join us to learn about how survivors can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks. Register now!

New Directors Orientation


If you are a brand-new, kind of new, or still-feeling-new E.D. or program director, you are invited to the WSCADV New Directors Orientation. This is your opportunity to connect with peers in a supportive environment, ask questions, and gain insights and practical resources to support your day-to-day work. New directors who have previously attended this…

Prevention In These Times: Back to School


Prevention In These Times (PITT) is a new webinar series that will help us get to the heart of prevention. Just as the pit is the heart of the fruit, we are going deep and getting to the root of prevention with these 4 webinars. Join us for lunch on these four dates and we’ll…

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Gathering


WSCADV is hosting a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Gathering on Thursday, September 17, 10:00 AM, after our conference and right before the annual meeting. Please join Norine Hill of Mother Nation as she facilitates a conversation with Arlene Zahne and Bridgette Davis, Mentees of Mother Nation.  Arlene and Bridgette will share their stories…

2020 Conference

Virtual Event

We are so excited to launch our 2020 Conference! While we wish we could all be together in person, we're so glad to have the chance to come together virtually. We chose this year's theme, On Purpose, before COVID altered everything about our work but it couldn't feel more timely. More than ever, we are…

Free – $100

Advocacy for Rookies


Are you a brand new advocate? This training is for you! Advocacy for Rookies is a two-day online webinar for brand-new advocates, with facilitators Heather Wehr and Jake Fawcett. Whether you volunteer or are paid, you work in a shelter or a community office, you do system-based advocacy or community organizing for prevention, if you…