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Legal Advocate Quarterly Connection Call

Join legal advocates from across the state and WSCADV's legal advocacy program coordinator Heather Wehrwood for Legal Advocate Connection Calls this spring! On calls we will: And much more!

A Teen Dating Violence Action Month Panel

Teens, Dating Violence & Suicide: The Lethal Soup Recipe. Those of us that work in the advocacy and prevention space are well aware of the toxic ingredients in young people's lives. Join us as we examine the ingredients that many of our youth, college students and young adults are navigating and then let's look at…

Online: Advocacy for Rookies

This is a virtual training taking place over three days: Feb. 5th, Feb 6th and Feb 13th. Are you a brand new advocate? This training is for you! Advocacy for Rookies is an in-depth, interactive training for domestic violence advocates, with facilitators Heather Wehrwood and Blanca McCreary-Ortega. Whether you volunteer or are paid, you work…

Housing Advocacy: WA CoC & Balance of State 101

Join us for a 101 training on the WA Balance of State Continuum of Care! We'll be joined by Department of Commerce staffers Nick Mondau, Oliver Crain, Dione Griffith, and Carolyn Chang to learn about the resources available in our state's CoC and ways to get involved with homeless resourcing across WA. We will also…

CPS Impacts – Understanding How the Past Shapes the Present

Why are Black and Native American families impacted disproportionately? Who was the child welfare system made for and why? How does the past live on in the present? Has it made things better for children and their families? Are these impacts accidental or planned?  Our expert panel, Dr. Thomas Crofoot, Dr. Marian Harris, and Dr. Margaret…

Prevention Peer Learning and Community Building Webinar

Hey Preventionists! It's time to gather again and connect around the ideas that animate our passion for this work and dive into the substance of it. The world is a crazy place right now and doing social change work is often complex and long-term if we're doing it well. Let's come together and discuss some…

Legal Advocate Connection Call

Join legal advocates from across the state and WSCADV's legal advocacy program coordinator Heather Wehrwood for the Legal Advocate Connection Call series! On calls we will:

Team Up WA: Winter Sports Train the Trainer Virtual Meeting

Hello Coaches, Athletic Directors, Advocates and Allies! We're excited to be bringing the Winter Sports train the trainer event virtually to expand the reach of our evidence based violence prevention leadership development training to coaches across the State and region. So if you are a coach, know a coach or just are interested in using…

Money Talks – Housing

Join us for Money Talks! A webinar series to promote economic justice. Money Talks will take on topics that will help you understand how economics affect survivors of domestic violence and provide a place to convene with other advocates to exchange good ideas. If you’ve got something to say about money and domestic violence, this…

Unpacking the Toolbox of Prevention: Strategies for Community Level Prevention Work

How many times have you responded to a grant NOFO or evaluation question asking you to describe various aspects of your prevention program and gone completely blank? Or tried to boil your prevention work down into a 30 second elevator speech for a funder and had nothing but white noise in the brain? Let's break…

Collaborating to Support Survivors: Systems and Community Advocates Working Together

Join us for a training with Samantha Boggs from the Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to dig into how community-based advocates can collaborate with systems-based advocates to best serve survivors. This will include an overview of the steps of a criminal case as well as tips for how to support victim defendants and survivors with…

DV Survivors’ Experiences with Child Protective Services

Advocates and Home Visitors helped us distribute a survey about DV survivors' experiences with Child Protective Services (CPS) and mandatory reporting. We want to report back to you what we learned! We will talk about what survivors told us they needed before, during and after CPS interventions. Guest Speaker; Margaret Hobart, Ph.D. Note: The last…

DV Hopeline and Shared 24/7 DV/SA Helplines – Informational Meeting

Are you maintaining a mandated 24-hour helpline with limited resources? Are your advocates working all day and going home with the 24-hour line? Would you like a way to make your advocates' jobs easier and still maintain high quality services? Let a centralized or shared helpline help you! Please join Aja Osita, Executive Director of New…

DCS DV Liaison Meeting – Zoom

Instead of an in-person meeting, this meeting will be held via Zoom on June 12th. Questions? Please contact Kevin Lee. Thank you!

Legal Advocates Quarterly Connection Call

Join legal advocates from across the state along with WSCADV's legal advocacy program coordinator Heather Wehrwood. On this connection call we will:

Mobile Advocacy and Home Visiting Webinar

Join WSCADV's housing stability coordinator Sarah Kendall and advocates across the state to learn about mobile advocacy and home visiting. Together we'll learn about the benefits of mobile advocacy, best practices, safety planning, and more! 

DV Housing Advocacy and Landlord Engagement

Join advocates across the state and WSCADV's housing stability coordinator Sarah Kendall to learn about tools and strategies for housing advocacy and landlord engagement. Together we will dive into ways we can support survivors experiencing housing instability in survivor-driven and trauma-informed approaches. We will also explore the role advocates can take in cultivating landlords as…

Money Talks – Work and DV

Join us for Money Talks! A webinar series to promote economic justice. Money Talks will take on topics that will help you understand how economics affect survivors of domestic violence and provide a place to convene with other advocates to exchange good ideas. If you’ve got something to say about money and domestic violence, this…