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Domestic Violence Shelter & Advocacy Services

Domestic Violence Shelter & Advocacy Services 2017  – In the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, 42 domestic violence shelter and advocacy programs in Washington State served 24,692 survivors of domestic violence and their children, including 5,672 who used emergency shelter. Shelter programs received 97,688 crisis hotline and information/referral calls.

Domestic Violence Shelter & Advocacy Services 2016  – In the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, 43 domestic violence shelter and advocacy programs in Washington State served 25,120 survivors of domestic violence and their children, including 5,957 who used emergency shelter. Shelter programs received 94,627 crisis hotline and information/referral calls.

Domestic Violence Shelter & Advocacy Services 2015  – In the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, 44 domestic violence shelter and advocacy programs in Washington State served 23,728 survivors of domestic violence and their children, including 5,690 who used emergency shelter. Shelter programs received 91,263 crisis hotline and information/referral calls.

Domestic Violence Shelter & Advocacy Services 2014  – In the year ending June 30, 2014, 43 domestic violence shelter and advocacy programs in Washington State served 21,807 survivors of domestic violence and their children, including 5,855 who used emergency shelter. Shelter programs received 95,232 crisis hotline and information/referral calls.