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Welcome Our New Executive Director

Message from the Board of Directors

I am thrilled to share with you the news that the Board of Directors has hired Judy Chen as WSCADV’s new Executive Director. She will start September 15.

This process has been an incredible journey, and I’m so grateful that we found in Judy a candidate whose depth of experience and vision for the future will move WSCADV forward on our path, towards a world where all people can live and love freely without fear.

As many of you know, Judy has a long history with WSCADV: As a member program E.D., WSCADV Board Vice-Chair, then after joining the staff in 2000, as a Program Coordinator, Director of Strategic Initiatives – where she co-led the team developing our Theory of Change – and most recently, Acting Executive Director. Judy also helped build Seattle’s Nonprofit Assistance Center and several other organizations. She was a founding mother and first executive director of a Seattle nonprofit now known as API Chaya, which organizes Asian and Pacific Islander communities on gender-based violence and human trafficking. All of this gives her a unique perspective and understanding of WSCADV’s past, present, and our goals for the future.

Our board and staff began the search process a year and a half ago, beginning with an assessment of organizational strengths, identifying what qualities we were looking for in a new E.D., and listening to the many voices across our statewide coalition through, for example, key stakeholder interviews. Thank you to all who provided such valuable input along the way. I’d also like to thank board members and staff who reviewed applications and participated in two rounds of interviews that ultimately led to this moment. Finally, I extend deep gratitude to former E.D. Nan Stoops for her outstanding leadership and visionary movement building over the last two decades.

All of us on the board recognize that choosing the next executive director is not only one of our critical functions, but also a tremendous honor, as we work to shape the coalition’s future with all of you.

Please join me in congratulating Judy – see her message below – and welcoming her to this new role! There are plans underway for membership to have some time together with Judy at the conference and throughout the coming year. Stay tuned for details and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

With gratitude,

Adam Ballout, Board Chair, and the WSCADV Board of Directors

Message from Judy

I am so humbled and honored to step into the role of Executive Director of your coalition. Thank you to the Board of Directors, staff, most of all, to all of you at WSCADV’s 70+ member programs for your continued coalition work on behalf of survivors, families, and communities.

In these challenging times, our collective vision and willingness to be bold matter a great deal. Together, we can set forth new pathways to freedom, justice, and healing from violence.

You’ll hear more from WSCADV in the coming months. I’d love to connect with you, hear what you’re most proud of and challenged by, and learn from you. Over the next few weeks, I’ll wrap up the Acting E.D. role and take some time with family, then be back for a fresh start on September 15. Please stay in touch. See you at the conference (register here)!

Yours in coalition – Judy Chen