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Team Up Washington @ Lumen Field

Lumen Field 800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle, Washington, United States

Coaching a Fall sports team in 2024? Join us for Team Up Washington Fall Sports Training, courtesy of the Seattle Seahawks! This free train-the-trainer event is for high school coaches and mentors who want to empower student athletes to prevent hazing, sexual assault and dating violence through a strength-based leadership development approach. OSPI will award…

DV Hopeline and Shared 24/7 DV/SA Helplines – Informational Meeting

Are you maintaining a mandated 24-hour helpline with limited resources? Are your advocates working all day and going home with the 24-hour line? Would you like a way to make your advocates' jobs easier and still maintain high quality services? Let a centralized or shared helpline help you! Please join Aja Osita, Executive Director of New…

Refuse To Abuse® Game Day for Domestic Violence Prevention

Refuse To Abuse® Game Day for Domestic Violence Prevention The Refuse To Abuse® game day will be a time and place for friends, family, baseball fans, survivors of abuse, survivor advocates, and anyone who wants to make a difference to: enjoy a Mariners game together, Get inspired to take action, and be a part of…

DCS DV Liaison Meeting – Zoom

Instead of an in-person meeting, this meeting will be held via Zoom on June 12th. Questions? Please contact Kevin Lee. Thank you!

Working with LGBTQIA Survivors

Join us this June for a training on all things queer and trans domestic violence. We will dive into the underlying dynamics of abuse in community, how to best support survivors in your agency and how to strengthen peer support networks. We will also take a deeper dive into the specific experiences of transgender survivors…

Legal Advocates Quarterly Connection Call

Join legal advocates from across the state along with WSCADV's legal advocacy program coordinator Heather Wehrwood. On this connection call we will:

Peer Learning Community – In Person Gathering

Yakima Area Arboretum 1401 Arboretum Drive, Yakima, Washington

Join us in Yakima on May 16th for our Peer Learning Community Gathering! FYI - Your time for participation and associated expenses with attending this event are eligible under your DSHS Domestic Violence Primary Prevention (DVPP) contract - see registration page for details Hi fellow Preventionists!!Please join us for this day long gathering where we…

Advocacy for Rookies

Hal Holmes Community Center 209 N Ruby St, Ellensburg, WA, United States

Greetings!Are you a brand new advocate? This training is for you!Advocacy for Rookies is an in-depth, interactive training for domestic violence advocates, with facilitators Blanca McCreary-Ortega and Sarah Kendall. The training will take place May 15th & 16th in Ellensburg. Whether you volunteer or are paid, you work in a shelter or a community office,…

Mobile Advocacy and Home Visiting Webinar

Join WSCADV's housing stability coordinator Sarah Kendall and advocates across the state to learn about mobile advocacy and home visiting. Together we'll learn about the benefits of mobile advocacy, best practices, safety planning, and more! 

Statewide Legal Advocate Gathering

Mercer Island Community & Events Center 8236 SE 24th Street, Mercer Island, Washington, United States

Come together with other legal advocates for a day of training, connection and resources at this year's Statewide Legal Advocate Gathering! Registration is free and lunch will be provided. The gathering is specifically for advocates providing legal advocacy to survivors at programs in WA.

DV Housing Advocacy and Landlord Engagement

Join advocates across the state and WSCADV's housing stability coordinator Sarah Kendall to learn about tools and strategies for housing advocacy and landlord engagement. Together we will dive into ways we can support survivors experiencing housing instability in survivor-driven and trauma-informed approaches. We will also explore the role advocates can take in cultivating landlords as…

Money Talks – Work and DV

Join us for Money Talks! A webinar series to promote economic justice. Money Talks will take on topics that will help you understand how economics affect survivors of domestic violence and provide a place to convene with other advocates to exchange good ideas. If you’ve got something to say about money and domestic violence, this…

Advocacy Learning Community: Survivor-Centered Advocacy in Practice – Revisiting Our Role and How to Continually Keep Survivors First Under Pressure

Dozens of advocates, managers and directors have come together over the past two years as part of the Advocacy Learning Community to dig deep into how we do advocacy and what that means for ourselves, our bodies, our relationships and survivors.   Join us again this spring as Heather Wehrwood and Deadria Boyland bring together…

Legal Advocate Quarterly Connection Call

Join legal advocates from across the state along with WSCADV's legal advocacy program coordinator Heather Wehrwood. On this connection call we will:

Following Their Lead: A Teen Dating Violence Action Month Panel

Teen dating violence prevention starts with youth power! Young people, especially people of color, queer and trans folks, and folks from economically struggling communities know how to lead the way forward and know what their communities need. Youth-led violence prevention forges a path toward liberation for all of us and one of the best things…

Child Support 101

A webinar for DV Advocates presented by Kevin Lee (WSCADV) and Tom Atkinson (Division of Child Support). This webinar will cover the basics of how survivors can access child support collection through DCS (the Department of Child Support).

Advocacy for Rookies: Online

Are you a brand new advocate? This training is for you! Advocacy for Rookies is an in-depth, interactive training for domestic violence advocates, with facilitators Heather Wehr and Sarah Kendall. UPDATE: The training will take place virtually over two days. Whether you volunteer or are paid, you work in a shelter or a community office, you…