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Supporting LGBTQ Survivors

On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. While this was an incredibly important step toward equal rights, many systems remain in place that exclude and discriminate against LGBTQ individuals. We have come a long way, and we have a long way to go. 

This online course is intended as a very basic overview of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) issues. We will cover LGBTQ history, terminology, rules and regulations, and best practices when working with LGBTQ individuals. 

This course is intended to prevent discrimination and harassment of LGBTQ individuals and enable you to: 

  • provide more welcoming and tailored services to LGBTQ survivors and their families;
  • participate in a happier and healthier work environment with your LGBTQ co-workers; 
  • have stronger connection in your community to LGBTQ individuals and the gay community. 

Completing this course constitutes 5 self-study hours.

Part I: Explore resources

Familiarize yourself with one of the best resources in the nation on LGBTQ  issues, housed right here in our own state!

Part II: Working with LGBTQ individuals

In this lesson you will have an opportunity to learn some basic information about working with LGBTQ individuals. 

Please watch the three recorded webinars below:

  1. Understanding and Affirming LGBTQ Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence  (End Abuse Wisconsin)

This webinar covers:

  • a brief LGBTQ history; 
  • terms and concepts related to LGBTQ identities; 
  • similarities and differences between intimate partner violence in LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ relationships;
  • foundational principles for supporting LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence.
  1. Creating a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment & Services for LGBTQ People  [under construction, please check back soon!]

In this webinar you will learn to:

  • identify areas of your program’s environment and service provision that can communicate inclusion;
  • address beliefs that inhibit inclusion of LGBTQ people; 
  • offer solutions to common questions about LGBTQ services;
  • name concrete steps to improve services.
  1. Development & Maintenance of Policies Prohibiting Harassment of LGBTQ People  [under construction, please check back soon!]

After viewing this webinar, please take some time to do the following:

  • list the types of policies that support an environment free of harassment and bullying of people based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression; 
  • describe ways to assist staff in understanding and following the policies;
  • list the elements of a plan to monitor claims, address them seriously, and document their corrective action(s). 

Part III: Comparing policies & procedures

The final lesson of this course focuses on your organization’s own anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, as well as other policies that support continuously improving services to LGBTQ individuals. 

  • Locate and read your organization’s policies and procedures. Focus on those that talk about LGBTQ individuals. In particular, become familiar with your anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, and your grievance resolution process. 
  • Review this model policy and procedure and compare it to your own documents. Then answer these self-reflection questions:
    1. How did your organization’s policy compare to the model policy? 
    2. If your policies need an update, what steps can you imagine taking to improve them? 

Training Hours Confirmation

After reviewing all of this information and resources on this page, complete this form to receive an email confirmation of your self-study hours per WAC 388-61A-1080.

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