Welcome to Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM) 2023! Just weeks ago we gathered in Kennewick at WSCADV’s annual membership conference. It was powerful to connect in person and be together with others who share a passion for creating new stories together where all people are free to live and love freely without fear. It is so important that we connect and celebrate our progress no matter how small it seems.
We’ve also heard your stories of the grief, isolation, and fear that surfaced in surviving a global pandemic. Survivor households throughout our communities have faced overwhelming challenges and trauma, and advocates have been on the frontlines carrying the heavy weight of this.
We all stand at the threshold of a new story. We’ve learned, we’ve survived, and we are emerging into a new reality more aware of our resilience and how much we need each other to do this work well. Domestic violence advocates: We want you to know that we see you, we hear you, and we’re with you. Visit our virtual Domestic Violence Action Month guide for resources you can use in your communities to engage and take action.
- WSCADV’s virtual Domestic Violence Action Month guide
- National Domestic Violence Hotline DVAM Toolkit
- Prevention resources and guides
- Gallery of Domestic Violence Action Month social media graphics