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Sexual Harassment and the Fair Housing Act

[…] are also available: Contact the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division to request these.  The new initiative seeks to break down barriers to reporting sexual harassment in housing. Please feel […]

Legal Advocacy Core Concepts

This training course covers the essential components of legal advocacy including how to navigate the criminal and civil legal systems.

Team Up Washington Overview

On this webinar, coaches, athletic directors, and team mentors will learn how to educate student athletes about healthy relationships and consent.

Community Engagement

[…] such as grocery stores, clinics, libraries, animal care, community centers, and parks. If folks are new to the area these will be important. Consider Participatory Asset Mapping. This process can […]

New Directors

Are you a new and/or new-ish director, program director (executive, associate, and program level)? Directors of DV, sexual assault, and dual/tri survivor programs are invited to this orientation. This will […]

Domestic Violence Action Month 2023

[…] conference. It was powerful to connect in person and be together with others who share a passion for creating new stories together where all people are free to live and love freely without […]

Join WSCADV’s Board of Directors!

[…] as Eastern WA and rural residents to apply. Please complete and return the application form by August 9, 2024 to be considered for the Board of Directors. New board members will be elected by WSCADV’s […]

Visionary Leadership

[…] — the first increase in the state domestic violence services budget in nearly 20 years.  Passage of the Working Families Tax Credit after 13 years of advocacy! This historic legislation […]

2020 Legislative Session Summary

[…] for immigrants harmed by human trafficking & other serious crimes. (SB 5164/ HB 1971; HB 2573)*WSCADV Priority Legislation * Passed legislature 3/5/2020; Takes effect February 1, 2022 Immigrant victims of trafficking and abuse are […]