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2016 Legislative Session Summary

[…] Unfortunately, our priority U-Visa certification bill (HB 2895) officially ‘died’ for this session with the passage of the budget, as it did not end up being incorporated into the final […]

Crossing Borders Radio Novela

[…] llegar a los hombres inmigrantes campesinos un mensaje de como poder participar y ayudar de manera más activa cuando sean testigos de abuso o acoso sexual en sus campos de trabajo.

COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund Open for Applications

[…] unemployment insurance, you can now get help – a $1,000 direct payment – from the Washing ton Immigrant Relief Fund. You can apply online in Spanish, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Korean, […]

Navigating These Overwhelming Times

[…] domestic violence programs, we all have experience working with trauma. However, COVID-19 has introduced a new type of global trauma that not only impacts the survivors we work with but […]

2020 Impact Report

[…] and policy advocacy increased community economic resilience, got cash to survivor households, and invested in new solutions to prevent violence. Read more Engaging the public Just three weeks into 2020, […]